12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Chartiers Seniors Activities - Senior Craft Group Upcoming Pot-Luck Lunches: Thursday 3/203/20 POT LUCK: Bring a small dish to share.Next business meeting luncheon: Tuesday 4/15ActivitiesBINGOTuesday & Friday 10:00amGAME DAY1st and 3rd Wednesday 1-4pmPLAYING CARDSTuesday's beginning 2/25 1-3pmCRAFTS2nd & 4th Thursday 12:30pmContact: Barb Sandy 724-255-9959TOPS - Take Pounds Off SensiblyWednesday's @ 4:30pm in Senior RoomGreeting Card Making2nd and 4th Tuesday @ 5:00pm in Senior RoomKEEP MOVINGMonday's @ 1pm(The Keep Moving class consists of a warm up, a 20 minute walk, then some strength and flexibility moves. This class is to make participants aware of taking a correct step which is rolling from heel to toe. It is also good for balance. It runs approximately 50 minutes. Participants can go at their own pace and take breaks if needed during the walk.)CHAIR YOGAWednesday's @ 11am (This class is perfect for those looking to improve flexibility, strength, and balance in a gentle and supportive environment. You will move through a variety of seated and optional standing poses, focusing on breath awareness, proper alignment, and mindful movement.)
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Charity Bingo Nights - March Bingo - Charity: Angel Ridge Animal Rescue Chartiers Friends of the Park is hosting BINGO once per month to benefit both Chartiers Parks & Recreation initiatives and a local organization! Doors Open: 5pmEarly Bird Games: 6:30pmRegular Games: Immediately After Early BirdsKitchen: Opens at 5pm with pop/water, fries, chicken, hot dogs, nachos, snacks, desserts, etc.3 Early Bird Bingo Games | $5 for all 3 games 10 Regular Bingo Games | Packet Price: $15/3, $25/6, $30/9, $35/12, $5 after for each additional 12on pack3 Special Games (Quickie Coveralls, U-Pick-Em) - $3 each or 2/$5Winnings for each game are given to 1 winner or split among winners if more than 1PrizesEarly Birds - $75Regular Bingo Games - $150Specials - $200Funds raised will benefit Chartiers Friends of the Park AND one different charity per month! 100% of the proceeds from the basket raffle and 50/50 will benefit the charity of the month.Upcoming Bingo Nights:March 13 - Angel Ridge Animal RescueApril 10 - Chartiers-Houston Youth Girls Basketball Association May 8 - Chartiers Senior Citizens GroupDoes my organization qualify as a Charity Bingo Partner?Preference is given to local Chartiers Township organizations, where a majority of the members or benefiting parties live in Chartiers. If your organization is outside of Chartiers, we still encourage you to apply. Organizations who benefit the most at the bingos are groups who can draw a big crowd to come out and support at the bingo event by buying basket raffle tickets, regular game bingos, and food in the kitchen.If your organization is interested in applying to be a selected partner, please email parks@chartierstwp.com.